Between Heels: The world needs a change - KONY 2012


The world needs a change - KONY 2012

Hoy traigo algo diferente, algo que no tiene nada que ver con la moda, ni con las tendencias, sino algo mucho más importante, algo que tiene que ver con el mundo, con nosotros. Sólo pido que por favor veáis éste vídeo aunque sea muy largo, por favor, verlo.
El mundo necesita un cambio, y es nuestro turno. Compartelo y haz que el mundo sepa lo que está sucediendo.

Today I bring something different, something that does not have anything to see with the fashion, not with the trends, but slightly very much more importantly, anything that it has to see with the world, with us. Only I ask please to see this one video though it is very long, please, to see it.
The world needs a change, and is our shift. It share and do that the world knows what is happening.

2 comentarios:

  1. hi love just found your blog and i like your greaat sense of style.
    Follow me on bloglovin and i do the same back.


  2. Vi sobre esto en el telediario... interesate!

    saludos! [MAN]
