Between Heels: Versace for H&M: The day.


Versace for H&M: The day.

Me gustaría saber como lo habéis vivido vosotros, porque yo tenía que estudiar y no he podido pasarme a ver el ambiente. Ya que de todos modos no iba a comprarme nada de una colección que no es para nada de mi gusto.
Pero por lo que he visto y leído ha habido colas interminables en las tiendas seleccionadas por Versace para exponer su colección. Gente que esperaba desde esta mañana e incluso desde ayer por la noche. Cosa que con perdón pero no comprendo.
Aún así ha sido un éxito rotundo, puesto que yo he ido esta tarde al salir de la universidad y al parecer la colección ha durado dos horas en la tienda, la gente ha arrasado con todo, y aunque si que es cierto que habrá gente que utilice lo que ha comprado en esas dos horas que ha durado la tan esperada colección, otras por el contrario creo que se han dejado un dinero simplemente por el hecho de tener un Versace en su armario (cuando no es así, sino que tienen una prenda de la calidad de H&M, en la que pone; Versace en la etiqueta).

Pero a pesar de esto H&M se ha llevado los frutos de esta colaboración que sin duda ha dado mucho más que hablar y que comprar que la de Lanvin, con la cual sin duda me quedo con los ojos cerrados.
Os traigo unas fotos de los escaparates, ya que como os he dicho cuando he ido la tienda seguía su curso normal y sin muestras de la colección de Versace por ninguna parte.

Y vosotros, ¿qué pensáis sobre la colección de Versace para H&M?, ¿cómo habéis vivido esta mañana los que habéis ido? Espero vuestras respuestas! Feliz viernes!

I would like to know as it you have lived, because I had to study and I could not have passed to seeing the environment. Since anyhow it was not going to buy me anything of a collection that is not for anything of my taste.
But for what I have seen and read there have been endless tails in the shops selected by Versace to expose her collection. People who was waiting from this morning and even from yesterday in the night. Thing that with pardon but I do not understand.
Nonetheless it has been a round success, since I have gone this evening on having gone out of the university and apparently the collection has lasted two hours in the shop, the people have triumphed with everything, and though if that is true that there will be people who uses what he has bought at these two hours that such an awaited collection has lasted, others on the contrary I believe that a money has been left simply by the fact of having a Versace in theirs cupboard (when it is not like that, but they have an article of the quality of H&M, in which it puts; Versace in the label).

But in spite of this H&M one has taken the fruits of this collaboration that undoubtedly has given much more than to speak and that to buy that that of Lanvin, with which undoubtedly I remain with the closed eyes.
I bring a few photos of the shop windows, since I have said to you when I have gone the shop it was following his normal course and without samples of Versace's collection on no part.

And you, what do you think about Versace's collection for H&M?, how have you lived through this one tomorrow that you have gone? I wait for your answers! On happy Friday!

2 comentarios:

  1. I think the collection is not exactly my taste, but is still adorable. There was a leather jacket that I saw on someone's blog. It was really cute. I would have loved to have been able to have gone just to have seen it. To have Versace in my closet? A dream! :D
    Happy Friday!

  2. Hi. I don't like Versace for H&M collection. It's too much strong and flashy!
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