Andy de Style Scrapbook, con la bolsa diseñada por Mango.
Vestido: Asos
Zapatos: Zara
Bolso: Stadivarius
Collar: Vintage
Vestido: Asos
Sandalias: Zara
Bolso: Vintage
Pulsera: Bimba & Lola
Ayer por la tarde-noche tuvo lugar la premiere de la mini serie "Qué me pongo by Mango". Donde algunas bloggers, personas de la marca y Andy Torres; it-girl de Mango y bloggera de Style Scrapbook, asistimos a un evento en los cines Fuencarral con motivo del estreno de dicha serie, la cual se estrenaba hoy en la pagina web de Mango.
La tarde comenzó cuando Andy, que era la principal protagonista, llegó enfundada en un precioso vestido de brillantes y terciopelo de la marca.
Tras la llegada de esta, comenzamos a entrar en la sala donde unos camareros te ofrecían bebida y palomitas, acompañado de música en directo y un photocall, comenzaba bien la tarde. Mientras Andy se dejaba fotografiar por todos nosotros y charlaba amenamente con los invitados.
Tras este pequeño comienzo, entramos en la sala de cine, donde nos esperaban en las butacas, bolsas diseñadas por Mango con fabulosos regalos como el perfume "Lady rebel", una tarjeta de descuento para la nueva colección,...
Justo antes de comenzar la serie Andy nos contó brevemente como comenzó con el blog y como ha llegado hasta donde está ahora, sus obstáculos, sus experiencias y nos animó a todas y a todos a seguir firmes en lo que queremos, porque de esta manera conseguiremos lograr nuestros sueños. Y tras esto, tuvo lugar la presentacón de "Qué me pongo by Mango" una serie de seis capítulos realizada por la marca, donde cuatro chicas vestidas con prendas y accesorios de Mango protagonizan diferentes historias, todas ellas unidas por una amistad.
Al finalizar la serie, volvimos a salir al hall, donde continuó la noche, de nuevo con música en directo, bebidas y comida exótica, y nuevamente acompañado por una fabulosa Andy, que no dejaba de dedicarse a todos los invitados, charlando y haciéndose fotos con ellos.
Y en un momento en el que estaba libre, fuimos a hablar con ella y de verdad, es simplemente increíble, la naturalidad y la humildad que transmite. Es una de las bloggeras más conocidas a nivel internacional y tiene una cercanía y una frescura que poca gente la tiene.
Personalmente nos encantó conocerla y poder hablar con ella, y espero que volvamos a coincidir en alguna ocasión.
Para concluir sólo decir que enhorabuena desde aqui al equipo de Mango que realizó el evento de ayer, porque fue una experiencia muy bonita y de la cual esperamos que haya muchas más.
Yesterday in the evening - night there took place the premiere of the mini series " What should I wear by mango ". Where some bloggers, peoples of the brand and Andy Torres; it-girl of Mango and bloggera of Style Scrapbook, we are present at an event in the cinemas Fuencarral on the occasion of the premiere of the above mentioned series, which was having the premiere today in the web of Mango.
The evening began when Andy, who was the principal protagonist, came stuffed in a beautiful dress of brilliant and velvet of the brand.
After the arrival of this one, we begin to enter the room where a few waiters were offering you drink and popcorn, accompanied of live music and a photocall, it began well the evening. While Andy was left to come out in photographs for all of us and was chatting pleasant with the guests.
After this small beginning, we enter the cinema, where they were waiting for us in the armchairs, bags designed by Mango with fabulous gifts, like the perfum "Lady Rebel", a discount for the new collection,...
Just before beginning the series, Andy told us brief like she began with the blog and like she has come up to where she is now, her obstacles, her experiences and she encouraged all and to all to being still firm in what we want, because here by we will manage to achieve our dreams. And after this, the presentacón took place of " What should I wear by Mango" a series of six chapters realized by the brand, where four girls dressed in articles and accessories of Mango lead different histories, all of them joined by a friendship.
On having finished the series, we returned to go out for the hall, where it continued the night, again with live music, drinks and exotic food, and again accompanied by the fabulous Andy, who wasn´t stopping devoting to all the guests, chatting and photos being done by them.
And in a moment in the one that was free, we went to speak with her and indeed, she is simply incredible, the naturalness and the humility that transmits. She is one of the bloggeras most known worldwide and has a nearness and a freshness that few people have.
Personally we were charmed with knowing and being able to speak with her, and I hope that we return to coincide with some occasion.
To conclude only to say that congratulation from here to the team of Mango, that realized the yesterday event, because it was a very nice experience and from which we hope that there are many more.
Andy and the both of you look very pretty!
ResponderEliminarXO Charlotte
all girls have very nice outfits..
ResponderEliminarI hope you had a great evening with the girls:)
Wish you a nice weekend
Ya podrian haber traido a Kate, no?
ResponderEliminarMuy guapas las dos!
Un besazo ^-^
Muy guapas!
ResponderEliminarAcabo de descubrir vuestro blog y me encanta, ya tenéis una seguidora más!
Pasaros por mi blog y seguidme si os gusta!
un beso
p.d.:soy yo o almudena tiene bastante aire a ashley tisdale??? :)
Por lo menos Jordi! ;)
ResponderEliminarPues la verdad es que en persona no se parece mucho! jajaa
Un besazo y gracias a todos!!
Wow estais guapisimas! El vestido rojo es espectacular! la espalda es preciosa!
ResponderEliminarEl blanco monísimo tb.
(aprovecho para agradecerte tu comentario en mi blog)
I love your red dress
Nice blog!
ResponderEliminarthx for your nice comment on my blog.
ResponderEliminarIf you like my blog I hope you gonna be my next follower.. If you want :)
You were at the event with Andy, that's so cool!
ResponderEliminarLove your red dress and the back detail!
amazing pics!!
ResponderEliminarLovely dress, love the back of it - it's such a nice surprise contrasted to the simple front!
very nice outfits!
hello :)
Looking lovely ladies. Those candy look delicious.
love your outfits! you look stunning :)
ResponderEliminarbeautiful photos! so nice you met andy!!!:)
ResponderEliminarfollowing you now.
Que suerte poder ir al acto! y el look que elegiste me encanta :)
ResponderEliminarAquí tienes un nuevo seguidor :)
Great dress!! I like your blog!!
ResponderEliminarCan you follow each other? I'm already doing it! :)
Looks like a truly fantastic event! You girls look great. xo style, she wrote
ResponderEliminarI like your blog and I hope you have time to check out mine!
your dress is beautiful! you look great!