Y a causa o no de esta fiesta, el naranja, se ha convertido en un potencial sustituto del rojo entre muchas de las famosas, que optan por un look en tonos anaranjados, corales,... en vez de utilizar el clásico rojo (a pesar de que este año viene pisando fuerte).
A mi personalmente me parece un color llamativo y de gran personalidad, además puedes utilizarlo tanto en tus prendas de ropa como en accesorios e incluso maquillaje.
Today is Halloween and the streets are filled with colors, red, black, white, ... and one in particular, orange, and is that part of witches, devils, vampires, etc, there's a place on this day so terrifying to the pumpkin, food is always related to this particular date.
And because of this party or not, orange, has become a potential substitute for red among many of the famous, who choose a look in shades of orange, coral, ... instead of using the classic red (although this year is going strong).I personally like a bright color and great personality, and you can use both your clothing and accessories and even makeup.